Source code for invenio_accounts.testutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""Invenio-Accounts utility functions for tests and testing purposes.


Functions within accessing the datastore will throw an error if called outside
of an application context. If pytest-flask is installed you don't have to worry
about this.

import flask
import flask_login
from flask import current_app
from flask_kvsession import SessionID
from flask_security import url_for_security
from flask_security.utils import hash_password
from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy

# "Convenient references" (lifted from flask_security source)
_datastore = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.extensions["security"].datastore)

[docs]def create_test_user(email, password="123456", **kwargs): """Create a user in the datastore, bypassing the registration process. Accesses the application's datastore. An error is thrown if called from outside of an application context. Returns the created user model object instance, with the plaintext password as `user.password_plaintext`. :param email: The user email. :param password: The user password. (Default: ``123456``) :returns: A :class:`invenio_accounts.models.User` instance. """ assert flask.current_app.testing hashed_password = hash_password(password) if password else None user = _datastore.create_user(email=email, password=hashed_password, **kwargs) _datastore.commit() user.password_plaintext = password return user
[docs]def login_user_via_session(client, user=None, email=None): """Login a user via the session. :param client: The CLI test client. :param user: The :class:`invenio_accounts.models.User` instance. Optional. (Default: ``None``) :param email: Load the user by the email. Optional. (Default: ``None``) """ if not user: user = _datastore.find_user(email=email) with client.session_transaction() as sess: # Flask-Login <0.5 sess["user_id"] = user.get_id() # Flask-Login >=0.5 sess["_user_id"] = user.get_id()
[docs]def login_user_via_view(client, email=None, password=None, user=None, login_url=None): r"""Attempt to log the given user in via the 'login' view on the client. :param client: client to send the request from. :param email: email of user account to log in with. :param password: password of user account to log in with. :param user: If present, ```` and ``user.password_plaintext`` \ take precedence over the `email` and `password` parameters. :type user: :class:`invenio_accounts.models.User` (with the addition of \ a ``password_plaintext`` field) :param login_url: URL to post login details to. Defaults to the current \ application's login URL. :returns: The response object from the POST to the login form. """ if user is not None: email = password = user.password_plaintext return login_url or url_for_security("login"), data={"email": email, "password": password}, environ_base={"REMOTE_ADDR": ""}, )
# If the REMOTE_ADDR isn't set it'll throw out a ValueError as it attempts # to update the User model in the database with 'untrackable' as the new # `last_login_ip`.
[docs]def client_authenticated(client, test_url=None): r"""Attempt to access the change password page with the given client. :param test_url: URL to attempt to get. Defaults to the current \ application's "change password" page. :returns: True if the client can get the test_url without getting \ redirected and ``flask_login.current_user`` is not anonymous \ after requesting the page. """ response = client.get(test_url or url_for_security("change_password")) return response.status_code == 200 and not flask_login.current_user.is_anonymous
[docs]def webdriver_authenticated(webdriver, test_url=None): """Attempt to get the change password page through the given webdriver. Similar to `client_authenticated`, but for selenium webdriver objects. """ save_url = webdriver.current_url webdriver.get(test_url or flask.url_for("security.change_password", _external=True)) result_url = webdriver.current_url webdriver.get(save_url) return flask.url_for("security.login", _external=True) not in result_url
[docs]def unserialize_session(sid_s): """Return the unserialized session. :param sid_s: The session ID. :returns: The unserialized version. """ return SessionID.unserialize(sid_s)